Lipsticks Can Provide Protection For Your Lips

>> Monday, October 14, 2013

In ancient times the eye was the part of the body most enhanced through the use of make-up. Today it is the lips that get accentuated by women the most. Lipsticks and other lip cosmetics are applied to the lips to highlight what is considered to be the most irresistible and flirtatious appearance on a woman.

 A common application of lip products is by simply accenting the natural color of the lips with a clear lip gloss or by a light pink lip liner and a lip gloss tinted with pink. This provides a natural or a soft tone on the lips.

Other shades are available in lipsticks, lip liners and lip glosses but your complexion and other colors used in make-up applications on the face should be considered when choosing the appropriate shade for your lips. Other close to neutral tones that are popular to use include plum with a slight gold shimmer, soft mauve, red-toned pinks and also sheer that contain gold, reddish brown and red shimmers.

 Dark complexions look the most attractive in reddish browns, soft pinks, and light brown shades of lip products. Using a close-matched or a lighter shade in a lip gloss will work to make the lips fresh and full. Careful and precise use of a lip gloss can highlight the use of lipsticks and lip liners.

 For an effective gloss application over a lipstick product, make a small pool of lip gloss in your hand. With the tip of your finger spread the lip gloss on over the lipstick evenly. If using lip gloss to highlight a lipstick application that also uses a lip liner, start with adding lip gloss to the middle of the lip and work outwards in each direction that the lip liner will not be mixed in with the lipstick. If the combination does get smeared together, wipe off and start over again. Perfect lips are a must when the lips are such an attractive feature.

 A lip primer or a color fixative added to the lips prior to application of a matte lipstick will prevent unsightly effects such as drying, cracking or flaking. Lipstick combinations with lip glosses in silver or gold shimmers, depending on complexion, can be an exceptional way to create a fetching and eye-catching result to the lips. 

The health and beauty of your lips depend on receiving moisture through the skin. Be sure to use lip products that add rather than take moisture away from your lips. Vitamin E is probably the best option for an additional boost of moisture to one's lips and as a bonus Vitamin E gives the lips a glow that is a natural highlight to the face.

Another lip product that can make lips healthy, beautiful and a base to sexy lips is with a good lip balm. Apply a lip balm to the lips before using other lip products and this will trap in the moisture to give plump and smooth lips until a reapplication is necessary. Applying lipsticks or lip glosses over dry and cracked lips will only work to highlight the damage and will detract people.

Creamy lipsticks are another product that can be used on a daily basis to keep lips healthy and moisturized while still giving color. Lip glosses add a fresh, luscious and wet look to the lips.
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Know Your Lipstick-proper Lipstick Application

Lipstick is one of the most popular types of makeup. Lipstick is used by women to color their lips and accentuate their femininity. There are many types and colors of lipstick on the market and every woman has her favourite brand and color.

 The colors and brands of lipstick might differ from woman to woman but every single woman has a specific way of applying it. Applying lipstick is a complex multilevel process that requires a certain set of skills in order to achieve best results. People, especially men refuse to believe that applying lipstick is an intricate thing.

For them the only thing that needs to be done is to buy the lipstick and apply it. Women know that things are not so simple. Lipstick application is a complex process that requires attention. The first step is buying lipstick. Getting the lipstick that is right for you is the first complicated matter.

There are countless kinds, brands and colors of lipstick out there. The best lipsticks however are the ones that will also help your lips. Buying your lipstick is the first thing to do. The best kinds come with Vitamin E, collagen, sunscreen, and amino acids. These ingredients will moisturize the lips, keep them healthy, and protect them from the sun. Deciding on the appropriate color is the next step.

The color of your lipstick should depend on what statement you really want to make. You should select your lipstick based on whether you want to make a bold statement or just want to give some color to your lips. Besides lipstick there are two other tools you might want to get a hold of. The first one is the lip brush and the second one is the lip liner pencil.

These tools will give you complete control over the lipstick application process and will help you get the best results. Most women refer to use lip liner that is one shade darker than the lipstick color they use. If however you want to bring out your lips then you can use lip liner that is of different color than your lipstick. Once you have your lipstick, the lip liner and the lip brush you are ready to start applying your lipstick. Lipstick should be applied after all the makeup has been applied and its should be the last thing.

The first thing you should do before you apply your lip colour is the make sure that all dead skin is removed from your lips. This will prevent your lips from appearing as cracked. Once your lips are smooth the lipstick will spread fine and it will look better. To make sure things go smoothly you can also apply a bit of Vaseline, or other type of petroleum jelly. This will give your lips the added moisture they need.

 Once your lips are even and smooth, open them slightly, making sure your facial muscles are relaxed. Outline your lips with the liner pencil. It is a good idea to warm up the pencil slightly by holding it in the palm of your hand before trying to use it. Then, use the lip brush to apply the lipstick, working your way from the corners of each lip to the middle.

 The last step is to wipe off all the excess color on your lips. To do so you might want to use a piece of bathroom tissue. Male sure all the lipstick is spread out evenly. Once you are done with the cleaning up you are done and you have successfully applied your lipstick.
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Getting You Lipstick Colour Right!

Just like everything else these days, fashion has also become complicated and it requires a lot of skill to keep pace with it. It may not be unusual for you to be socially stamped as a fashion guru or on the other hand a fashion freak if you are not careful.

 The complexities of fashion are not just limited to the kind of dress that you adorn this summer or the kind of purse you carry or even the kind of footwear that you choose for yourself. The whole game has become too complex. You need to be able to look at the emerging trends and decipher for yourself, what it is that you can choose.

Choosing the wrong things will definitely not lead you anywhere. So even if a certain kind of dress is the craze this season, make sure that it suits your body shape before spending your precious dollars on it. The one aspect of fashion that has gained prominence over the years is lipstick hues. Some seasons reds are in fashion while at other times it is the browns or the mauves.

Sometimes the lustrous, wet look is in and at other times it is a matte, dry look that is in vogue. It is essential that you match the color that you are proposing to buy with your skin tone. Many colors look extremely good when you go to buy them but the moment you try them on, they feel not so good after all.

 The fundamentals of lipstick color are similar to those for choosing dress color. There are some good colors that may not go well with a certain shade of skin. We all know that this can make a lot of difference and recognize the fact.

What some people do not realize is that lipstick color is also similar and utmost care needs to be taken to choose one that suits you best. If the shades in fashion do not suit you at all, it is better to go ahead and choose the color that suits you over an in vogue color. If you look bad, no one will bother about the fact that you may be wearing the latest hue and style of lipstick anyways.

 To ensure that you choose the right color for yourself, make use of the many samples that are on display these days to allow you to see for yourself. These test samples are a great way of knowing what you are getting into.
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Choosing the Perfect Lipstick Color

>> Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On old make-up, wipe off the lipstick or eye shadow with a tissue so there is a clean surface. Anything that dips into a tube, like lip-gloss, liquid eyeliner, or mascara cannot be cleaned. So toss those. If the cake of pressed powder, blush, or eye shadow has become hard from facial oils, scrape off the top layer of powder with a knife or the side of a spoon until there is a clean, powdery surface.

To have make-up last longer and not get the oil slick on top, wash powder puffs and make-up brushes frequently. Cotton balls make fine powder puffs and are disposable. If you like loose powder but all you have is pressed, then scrape out the compact with a fork. Put the chunks on a saucer and mash with the back of a spoon. Add a tiny bit of talc or cornstarch and continue to smash and mash. Put in a clean jar.

Try mixing colors. Put one color on your bottom lip and one on the top and blend. Try one color eye shadow on the brow bone and another in the crease.If you want to try a new shade of eye shadow but wonder what it will look like with your eye color or complexion, find the color in your kid's crayon box. Put a little baby oil on your eyelids and swipe on the color. If you powder over it the color will soften and may last all day. Usually this is just a temporary "try me."

How to Make Cosmetics Last


If you always wear a yellow based blush like coral and would like to try a blue-based color like wine, try the baby oil and crayon. If you want to see what darker brows would look like, use a crayon that you have sharpened. If the look is too harsh, dust on a little powder. Powder will soften and set too bright blush or eye shadow. If you don't have face powder, try talc or corn starch.

Another crayon trick is to touch up the gray re-growth when you don't have time to get your hair tinted. Glossy, juicy lips are sexy. If you have never tried lip-gloss and want to see if the wet look is for you, put on lipstick and slick on some Vaseline for a high gloss, Movie Star look. For a pouty look, dab it just on the center of your lips. It won't last because your color will smear, but it will give you an idea of plump lips.

The newest look in lipstick and nail polish is matte. To mattify your lipstick, use the lipstick that you currently have. Put it on as you normally do. Blot. Dust on a little powder. Instant matte at no cost. Use all your current nail polishes. Just buy one bottle of polish mattifyer to swipe on after the polish is dry.

How to Pick the Right Colors For Your Interiors

If your nail polish has turned thick, do NOT thin it with polish remover. It will weaken the polish and cause it to chip more readily. Thin with alcohol.
Another powder trick is to apply mascara. Allow it to dry. Close your eyes and dust on powder. Flake off the excess with a clean, dry make up brush. Apply another layer of mascara. Allow to dry. Dust on powder. Continue until you have long, Movie Star lashes.

Any dry make up can be applied anywhere. So if you have powdered eye shadow, try applying plum on your eyebrows. If you have brush-on eyebrow powder, use it as contouring to narrow your nose, create cheek hollows, or to minimize a double chin. Barely wet a small brush and swipe it across the dry cake of color. You will pick up an intense color that is great in the crease of the eyelid or as an eyeliner. The less water you have on the brush, the deeper the color will be.

An eyebrow pencil can be used to define the crease in the eyelid then a powdered color can be applied over the pencil to set it.When using a brush-on cake of dry color, swirl the brush around the edge of the cake, close to the case. One reason that cake make-up wears out is that we dip the brush into the center of the cake. The well that we create has thin edges into the vortex. These thin edges crack and break off.

Choose Your Favorite Lipstick in Seconds

Then everything falls apart and we throw away a ½ used cake of color. By using the brush around the edge, the cake will wear down more evenly and last longer.Do the same with pan-cake make-up, blush, or pressed powder. Swirl around the edge, near the compact to prevent creating a well in the center.When a bottle of make-up is empty, stand it up-side-down in a glass. You will get several more applications out of it.

When your lipstick is worn down flat with the case, use a lipstick brush to dig out the last remnants. A fun trick that Hollywood Make-Up artists do so that they have many lipstick colors available without carrying endless tubes and so that they can see the colors instantly is to put the colors into a bobbin box. Go to the sewing department and buy a clear plastic bobbin case.

It has little half circles in it. Scoop out lipstick into the half circles. This is a super way to use up the last of the dead tubes. When the half circles have lipstick in them, nuke the case of color for just a second in the microwave. Check it. Nuke until the lipsticks are melted. Watch carefully. Now you have a whole palate of colors to apply with your lip brush. You can create new colors by dipping in one then the next color.
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Match Lipstick Colors to Your Mood

>> Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ladies, you know what it's like when you go shopping for a new shade of lipstick. Here you are in the lipstick aisle looking up and down the rows of pinks, mauves, reds, and purple.
Gee, which color do I want?

Another minute goes by and you still haven't made up your mind. Darn those makeup manufacturers - so many shades to choose from. There are lipstick colors to go with every skin tone, every possible outfit, and every day or evening situation you may find yourself in. Okay, you've got to make a decision somehow.

Here's a suggestion. The next time you go lipstick shopping, pick out your lipstick colors to match each one of your moods. Now, ladies, if you're like me you'll wake up in the morning and try to get dressed, but for some reason you just can't grab a quick outfit and go.

Nope. You're realizing you're not in the mood to wear that pink top, or those brown pants, or that particular striped suit.Hmmm. You stand there a few minutes picking out this, throwing that aside, until you finally select just the right outfit for how you're feeling that day.

Well, let's do the same with lipstick. I promise this will be lots of fun.

Pink Lipstick Colors - Light pink shades are innocent, soft and gentle. Wear pink on your lips when you're feeling pretty and girly. Hot pink kicks things up a notch. Usually, hot pink is worn when you're feeling your girl power and wanna have some fun.

Orange Lipstick Colors - Orange shades are a breath of sunshine. Wear orange on your lips when you're relaxed, happy and feeling a little spunky. Orange is the color of sunshine, so it can really give you a lift on gloomy days.

Red Lipstick Colors - Red shades evoke confidence and independence. Wear red on your lips when you're feeling strong and in the mood to either make decisions or kick some butt. Yes, when you stroll in wearing your red lipstick, people better watch out - this woman means business.

Purple Lipstick Colors - Purple shades are mysterious and a little rebellious. Wear purple on your lips when you feel like stepping out of your comfort zone and want to be unique. Purple is never boring, but always cool and vibrant.

Brown Lipstick Colors - Brown shades are warm, earthy and inviting. Wear brown on your lips when you're feeling like kicking back and taking it easy. No fuss and no muss, just doing your thing. Of course, if you're not sure what mood you're in, you can always mix two shades together and create your own individual colors.
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About this blog

Many women find choosing the lipstick color that is just right for their lips and skin tone a little confusing. It does not help that there are probably thousands of shades of lipstick colors out there, which makes the process of choosing the perfect lipstick color for your lips a little more complicated than it should be. However, if you knew how to look, you would be surprised at how easy finding this perfect lipstick color is.

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P.S natural lip gloss, lip plumper, and flavored lip gloss so you can show off your healthy, moisturized lips Get It Here NOW

P.P.S Lip Gloss is a cosmetic that gives shine or gloss to the lips Just Visit Here

P.P.P.S "Lip gloss is a substance that is either bottled or placed into a tube for applying to the lips to make them shine, and to protect them" Just Click Here

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